China Rose Radish - 190 gr.
6,50 €
+ 9,90 € Shipping costs in Europe* (FREE shipping for orders above 250,00 €)
(Raphanus Sativus)
- 190g pack of certified seeds from Sprout
- For self-production of 30/40 SERVINGS
Properties and Benefits of China Rose Sprouts:
Radish sprouts are an inexhaustible source of vitamin C and mineral salts. They have remineralising, antiseptic and diuretic properties, which are also useful in preventing asthma.
It is a foodstuff very rich in vitamin C, the B vitamins (particularly B6 or pyridoxine). It excels as a resource of minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, magnesium and calcium.
The seeds contain terpenes and sulphates, which give them a pungent, horseradish taste.
Excerpted from - quoted by Mira Tonioni
For More information and Tips for a correct use of the seed pack SEE BELOW the sections "DESCRIPTION and ADDITIONAL INFORMATION".
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Radish China Rose:
The intense taste and vitamin C make radish sprouts not only excellent antiscorbutic and expectorant but also an ideal preventive food against asthma, cold, sinusitis and inflammation of the respiratory tract (stimulates the elimination of mucus).
they are a good remineraliser (ideal for sportsmen and women and those who have to fight fatigue); they are antiseptic and diuretic, supporting the work of the kidneys, liver and spleen.
Excerpted from - Quoted by Mira Tonioni
Additional information:
Suggestions for correct use of CERRETO/GERMOGLIOSÌ seed packet- Soak 2 tablespoons of seeds (about 3/4 portions) for 8/10 hours, then place them evenly in a single sprouting tray GermoglioSì and water 2/3 times a day with drinking water, the sprouts are ready in 3/5 days.
- The sprouts can either be taken directly from the sprouting tray and washed and dressed like a normal salad or stored in the fridge for up to 3 days
- Do not use more than 20/25 grams per sprouting tray.
- The recommended amount can also be used on other sprouting trays of a suitable size.