Reflections and studies

What are we eating?

The nutrient content of the foods we eat today has been drastically reduced.

The environment in which we live is no longer the same, and over the last few decades many of the healthy old rules have changed substantially for all of us,from the world of work to the world of communications, the quality of life has also changed substantially, as has our diet.
It has now been amply demonstrated that the nutrient content of the food we eat today has been drastically reduced in recent years. The agricultural production required for large-scale distribution today makes virtually all fruit and vegetables available in every season of the year, and all this at the price of increasingly forced ripening which drastically reduces the natural formation of nutrients.
Intense farming exploits the soil by gradually depleting it of the necessary chemicals, and is now everywhere pushed with synthetic chemicals to accelerate growth.
Intense beef cattle farms, veritable lagers, use feed with added antibiotics, hormones and so on for the sole purpose of accelerating the growth of the animal as much as possible while significantly altering the nutritional qualities of their meat.
All this leads over time to a state of constant and increasing nutritional deficiency which, although it does not immediately manifest itself in disorders or symptoms, is the main cause, together with stress, lifestyle and sedentariness, of the so-called "diseases of industrialisation", and indeed our generation is the most overweight and worst fed in history. The deficiency in our diets of key nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and omega 3 are at the root of many diseases in the western world which, associated with neurological and other inflammatory and chronic problems, could be reduced by restoring a good supply of nutrients.
"There is no chronic disease that does not have some connection with food" he asserts on Youtube in "nutrition and chronic diseases".
Dr. Filippo Ongaro, for years astronauts' doctor at the European Space Agency (ESA), the first Italian doctor certified in anti-aging medicine and founder and director of the Institute of Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine in Italy.

So how do we restore the body's normal supply of nutrients to maintain optimal health?
One answer would be to take in more of the nutrients now lacking in our food through the introduction of a few simple eating habits.
More and more people are consequently perceiving the important difference between "eating" and "nourishing", and are increasingly orienting themselves towards markets such as "Bio", "Km 0", "no GMOs" etc., creating an ever-increasing and conscious demand in these sectors.
Nutrition is a conscious and voluntary act in which each person exercises a free choice by seeking out the foods that he or she considers to be the most useful and acceptable.
Nutrition, on the other hand, is understood as the set of processes through which the organism receives, absorbs, transforms and uses the chemical substances contained in food, or rather "nutrients". Nutrition is therefore configured as an unconscious and involuntary act that depends on the foods we have introduced and the chemical products they contain.

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